/*jslint indent:4, browser:true, sub:false */ /*globals Lg:true */ (function() { "use strict"; if (typeof Lg === 'undefined') { window.Lg = {}; } Lg['OR'] = 'or'; Lg['PRIO_HIGH'] = 'High'; Lg['PRIO_MEDIUM'] = 'Medium'; Lg['PRIO_LOW'] = 'Low'; /* DATE AND PRETTY DATE FORMAT */ Lg['DATE_FORMAT'] = ''; Lg['AGO'] = 'ago'; Lg['FROM_NOW'] = 'from now'; Lg['JUST_NOW'] = 'just now'; Lg['1_MIN_AGO'] = '1 minute ago'; Lg['1_MIN_FROM_NOW'] = '1 minute from now'; Lg['1_HOUR_AGO'] = '1 hour ago'; Lg['1_HOUR_FROM_NOW'] = '1 hour from now'; Lg['MINUTES'] = 'minutes'; Lg['HOURS'] = 'hours'; Lg['YESTERDAY'] = 'yesterday'; Lg['TOMORROW'] = 'tomorrow'; Lg['DAYS'] = 'days'; Lg['LAST_WEEK'] = 'last week'; Lg['NEXT_WEEK'] = 'next week'; Lg['WEEKS'] = 'weeks'; Lg['LAST_MONTH'] = 'last month'; Lg['NEXT_MONTH'] = 'next month'; Lg['MONTHS'] = 'months'; Lg['LAST_YEAR'] = 'last year'; Lg['NEXT_YEAR'] = 'next year'; Lg['YEARS'] = 'years'; Lg['LAST_CENTURY'] = 'last century'; Lg['NEXT_CENTURY'] = 'next century'; Lg['CENTURIES'] = 'centuries'; Lg['DAY'] = 'Day'; Lg['WEEK'] = 'Week'; Lg['MONTH'] = 'Month'; Lg['YEAR'] = 'Year'; Lg['JANUARY'] = 'January'; Lg['FEBRUARY'] = 'February'; Lg['MARCH'] = 'March'; Lg['APRIL'] = 'April'; Lg['MAY'] = 'May'; Lg['JUNE'] = 'June'; Lg['JULY'] = 'July'; Lg['AUGUST'] = 'August'; Lg['SEPTEMBER'] = 'September'; Lg['OCTOBER'] = 'October'; Lg['NOVEMBER'] = 'November'; Lg['DECEMBER'] = 'December'; Lg['JAN'] = 'Jan'; Lg['FEB'] = 'Feb'; Lg['MAR'] = 'Mar'; Lg['APR'] = 'Apr'; Lg['MAY'] = 'May'; Lg['JUN'] = 'Jun'; Lg['JUL'] = 'Jul'; Lg['AUG'] = 'Aug'; Lg['SEP'] = 'Sep'; Lg['OCT'] = 'Oct'; Lg['NOV'] = 'Nov'; Lg['DEC'] = 'Dec'; Lg['OR'] = 'or'; Lg['PRIO_HIGH'] = 'High'; Lg['PRIO_MEDIUM'] = 'Medium'; Lg['PRIO_LOW'] = 'Low'; Lg['STATE_NEW'] = 'New'; Lg['STATE_OPEN'] = 'Open'; Lg['STATE_PENDING'] = 'Pending'; Lg['STATE_RESOLVED'] = 'Resolved'; Lg['STATE_CLOSED'] = 'Closed'; Lg['STATE_DELETED'] = 'Deleted'; Lg['SYS_CASE_DELETED_MSG'] = 'This case has been moved to trash'; Lg['SYS_FB_POST_DELETED_MSG'] = 'This post has been deleted from Facebook'; Lg['SYS_RPC_UNAVAILABLE'] = 'RPC is unavailable'; Lg['SYS_RPC_TIMEOUT'] = 'RPC session timeout'; Lg['SYS_RPC_ERRORREQUEST'] = 'Error making RPC request to server'; Lg['SYS_SERVER_UNACCESSIBLE'] = 'Server cannot be accessed!'; Lg['SYS_TRYAGAIN'] = 'Please try again later...'; Lg['SYS_REMOTE_FN_NOTEXIST'] = 'Server method: {fn} does not exist'; Lg['SYS_LOCALFN_NOTEXIST'] = 'Local method: {fn} does not exist'; Lg['SYS_ERRORKEEPALIVE'] = 'There is something wrong with the keepalive message'; Lg['SYS_CONFIRM_LOGOUT'] = 'Are you sure you want to log out?'; Lg['SYS_CONFIRM_LOGOUT_PENDINGMSG'] = 'You might lose some messages that are waiting to be sent'; Lg['SYS_CONFIRM_DELETE'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this account? You cannot undo this action.'; Lg['SYS_CONFIRM_CANCEL_INVITE'] = 'Are you sure you want to cancel the invitation and delete this agent? You cannot undo this action.'; Lg['SYS_CONFIRM_DISABLE_EMAIL_FETCHER'] = 'Are you sure you want to disable this email fetcher?\r\nEmail sent to this mailbox will not be fetched once disabled.'; Lg['SYS_ERRORLOADINGCASES'] = 'Error loading cases. Please try again later.'; Lg['SYS_ERRORSETCASEATTR'] = 'Error setting case attribute'; Lg['SYS_ERROR_MODIFY_CLOSED_CASE'] = 'Case properties cannot be changed because the case is closed!'; Lg['SYS_ERRORSAVINGDATA'] = 'Error(s) occurred when saving data'; Lg['SYS_ERROR_ITEM_UNAVAILABLE'] = 'It is not possible to make this change in your payment plan.'; Lg['SYS_ERROR_DELETEAGENT'] = 'Ooops! Something just went wrong while deleting agent.'; Lg['SYS_ERROR_CANCELINVITE'] = 'Ooops! Something just went wrong while cancelling invite.'; Lg['SYS_ERROR_CANCELINVITE'] = 'Ooops! Something just went wrong while cancelling invite.'; Lg['SYS_ERROR_DELETELICENSE'] = 'Ooops! Something just went wrong while removing agent.'; Lg['SYS_ERROR_DELETEEMAIL'] = 'Ooops! Something just went wrong while deleting mailbox.'; Lg['SYS_ERROR_DELETELABEL'] = 'Ooops! Something just went wrong while deleting label.'; Lg['SYS_ERROR_DELETECATEGORY'] = 'Ooops! Something just went wrong while deleting category. Make sure this category has no subcategory.'; Lg['SYS_ERROR_DELETETOPIC'] = 'Ooops! Something just went wrong while deleting subcategory. Make sure this subcategory has no article.'; Lg['SYS_ERROR_GENERIC'] = 'Ooops! Something just went wrong with the last operation. Please try again later or contact the administrator.'; Lg['SYS_ERROR_GENERIC_RESTART'] = 'Ooops! Something just went wrong with the last operation. The app will be reloaded.'; Lg['SYS_ERRORKBSEARCH'] = 'Error occurred when searching knowledge base. Please try again later.'; Lg['SYS_ERRORKBGETARTICLE'] = 'Cannot fetch article content. Please try again later.'; Lg['SYS_CASEREADONLY'] = 'This case is in read-only mode. It is now being handled by {name}.'; Lg['SYS_ERRORUPLOAD'] = 'Error uploading file.'; Lg['SYS_ERRORUPLOAD_TOOBIG'] = 'The file exceeds the maximum permitted size.'; Lg['SYS_ERRORUPLOAD_FILETYPE'] = 'File extension is not accepted.'; Lg['SYS_ERROADDARTICLENOTOPIC'] = 'You must create a subcategory first in order to be able to add a new article.'; Lg['SYS_ERRORGETCASEDETAIL'] = 'Error retrieving case detail. Click here to go back to the overview.'; Lg['SYS_ERROR_NOT_IDENTIC'] = 'Passwords are not identical'; Lg['SYS_ERROR_PASS_INVALID'] = 'Password must be at least 5 characters.'; Lg['SYS_USERISWORKINGINCASE'] = '{name} is working on this case.'; Lg['SYS_ERROR_NOT_STARTED'] = 'Test failed: Mail server not started'; Lg['SYS_ERROR_CANNOT_CONNECT'] = 'Test failed: Connection to mail server failed'; Lg['SYS_ERROR_WRONG_CREDENTIALS'] = 'Test failed: Wrong credentials'; Lg['SYS_ERROR_WRONG_PORT'] = 'Test failed: Wrong port'; Lg['SYS_MAILBOX_OK'] = 'Inbound mail connection successful'; Lg['SYS_NEW_TWEETS'] = '{NUMBER} New tweet(s)...'; Lg['SYS_CONTENT_NOT_AVAILABLE'] = 'HTML version is not available'; Lg['SYS_ERROR_SESSIONEXPIRED'] = 'Session Expired! Restarting application in {TIME}...'; Lg['SYS_ERROR_SENDINGEMAIL'] = 'Unable to send email to \'{EMAIL_ADDRESS}\'. Please check your mailbox setting and recipient\'s email address'; Lg['SYS_ERROR_LOGGEDINTWICE'] = 'You have logged in on the same agent account from another location
' + 'Restarting application in {COUNTER}...'; Lg['SYS_ERROR_INVALID_EMAIL'] = 'Email format is incorrect. Please specify a valid email address for this contact.'; Lg['SYS_TITLE_NEWCHAT'] = 'New chat!'; Lg['SYS_TITLE_NEWMESSAGE'] = 'New message!'; Lg['SYS_INVALID_SHOPPER_EMAIL'] = 'The billing email you provided is invalid.'; Lg['SYS_EMPTY_SHOPPER_EMAIL'] = 'The billing email is mandatory.'; Lg['SYS_INVALID_EXP_DATE'] = 'The expiration date you provided is invalid.'; Lg['SYS_INVALID_EXP_DATE_PASSED'] = 'The expiration date you provided is in the past.'; // SJC 24-10-13 Lg['SYS_INVALIDUPLOAD_URL'] = 'Invalid URL pattern.'; Lg['SYS_INVALID_EXTRACTION'] = 'Error during extraction from your url.'; // end of SJC Lg['FEATURE_RESTRICTION_MUST_BE_EQUAL'] = 'The number of {feature1} could not be updated. It must be the same as the number of {feature2}.'; Lg['FEATURE_RESTRICTION_MUST_NOT_BE_EQUAL'] = 'The number of {feature1} could not be updated. It cannot be the same as the number of {feature2}.'; Lg['FEATURE_RESTRICTION_MUST_BE_GREATER_OR_EQUAL'] = 'The number of {feature1} could not be updated. Your {feature1} cannot be fewer than your {feature2}.'; Lg['FEATURE_RESTRICTION_MUST_BE_GREATER'] = 'The number of {feature1} could not be updated. Your {feature1} cannot be fewer than your {feature2}.'; Lg['FEATURE_RESTRICTION_MUST_BE_LESS_OR_EQUAL'] = 'The number of {feature1} could not be updated. You need to add additional {feature2}.'; Lg['FEATURE_RESTRICTION_MUST_BE_LESS'] = 'The number of {feature1} could not be updated. You need to add additional {feature2}.'; Lg['FEATURE_RESTRICTION_MINIMUM_REACHED'] = 'The number of {feature1} could not be updated. The minimum has been reached.'; Lg['FEATURE_RESTRICTION_MAXIMUM_REACHED'] = 'The number of {feature1} could not be updated. The maximum has been reached.'; Lg['ERR_FIELDS_BLANK'] = 'Fields are empty'; Lg['ERR_FIELD_BLANK'] = 'Field is empty'; Lg['ERR_INVALID_EMAIL'] = 'Email format is incorrect'; Lg['ERR_NUMBER_OUTSIDE_RANGE'] = 'Number is outside allowed range'; Lg['ADMIN_ERROR_AGENTS_INVALID_NAME'] = 'Name is required'; Lg['ADMIN_ERROR_AGENTS_INVALID_NICK'] = 'Nickname is required'; Lg['ADMIN_ERROR_AGENTS_EMAIL_EXISTS'] = 'The email address has already been taken'; Lg['ADMIN_ERROR_AGENTS_PASSWORD_INVALID'] = 'Password should be longer than 4 characters'; Lg['ADMIN_ERROR_BRANDS_INVALID_NAME'] = 'Name is required'; Lg['ADMIN_ERROR_BRANDS_EMPTY_SUBDOMAIN'] = 'Subdomain in required'; Lg['ADMIN_ERROR_BRANDS_INVALID_SUBDOMAIN'] = 'Subdomain contains invalid characters'; Lg['ADMIN_ERROR_BRANDS_SUBDOMAIN_USED'] = 'Subdomain is already taken'; Lg['ER_SAVING_CUSTOM'] = 'Default message cannot be saved as customized system message'; Lg['ER_PLACEHOLDER_NEEDED'] = 'You need to fill out {FIELDS} in order to use this link.'; Lg['ER_UNKNOWN_PLACEHOLDER_NEEDED'] = 'You need to fill out the needed placeholders in order to use this link.'; Lg['LOADING_APP'] = 'Loading application...'; Lg['LOADING_GROUPS'] = 'Loading groups...'; Lg['LOADING_AGENTS'] = 'Loading agents...'; Lg['LOADING_CASES'] = 'Loading cases...'; Lg['LOADING_CASE_DETAIL'] = 'Loading case...'; Lg['LOADING_TOP_MACROS'] = 'Loading top macros...'; Lg['LOADING_TOUR'] = 'Loading tour...'; Lg['LOADING_MESSAGE'] = 'Loading message...'; Lg['FINISH_LOADING_CASE'] = 'Case loaded'; Lg['DELETING_POST'] = 'Deleting post...'; Lg['FB_PAGE_REG_AUTH_FAILURE'] = 'Facebook page not registered. Please complete the authorization process.'; Lg['TOP_MACROS'] = 'Most used'; Lg['FAVE_MACROS'] = 'My favourites'; Lg['TOP_ARTICLES'] = 'Top Articles'; Lg['SESSION_EXPIRED'] = 'Session expired!'; Lg['VISITOR_IS_ONLINE'] = 'Contact is online. You can send direct messages to this visitor'; Lg['VISITOR_IS_OFFLINE'] = 'Contact is offline. Messages will be sent to the customer\'s email address'; Lg['SUBJECT'] = 'Subject'; Lg['NOSUBJECT'] = 'No subject'; Lg['NONAME'] = 'No name'; Lg['NOTITLE'] = 'No title'; Lg['NODESCRIPTION'] = 'No description'; Lg['NOSTATE'] = 'No status'; Lg['NOPRIORITY'] = 'No priority'; Lg['NOGROUP'] = 'No group'; Lg['NOAGENT'] = 'Unassigned'; Lg['NOACTIVITY'] = 'No activity'; Lg['CONTACT'] = 'Contact'; Lg['STATE'] = 'Status'; Lg['UPDATE'] = 'Change'; Lg['CONFIRM'] = 'Confirm'; Lg['CONTINUE'] = 'Continue'; Lg['KEEP'] = 'keep'; Lg['UPDATE_LOGTYPE'] = 'Change'; Lg['UPDATED'] = 'Updated'; Lg['PRIORITY'] = 'Priority'; Lg['ASSIGNED'] = 'Agent'; Lg['GROUP'] = 'Group'; Lg['AGENT'] = 'Agent'; Lg['ADMIN'] = 'admin'; Lg['AGENTS'] = 'Agents'; Lg['ACTIVE_MAILBOXES'] = 'Active mailboxes'; Lg['ACTIVE_MAILBOX'] = 'Active mailbox'; Lg['MAILBOXES'] = 'Mailboxes'; Lg['UNASSIGNED'] = '<Unassigned>'; Lg['CLICK_TO_EDIT'] = '<Click to edit>'; Lg['OPEN_SETTINGS'] = 'Open settings'; Lg['CLOSE_SETTINGS'] = 'Close settings'; Lg['TEAM'] = 'Team'; Lg['SIGNOUT'] = 'Sign out'; Lg['DISCONNECT'] = 'Disconnect'; Lg['INBOX'] = 'Inbox'; Lg['NOFILTER'] = 'Filters loading...'; Lg['SEARCH_CASE'] = 'Search case...'; Lg['SEARCH_FOR_CASE'] = 'Search for cases with \'{keyword}\''; Lg['SEARCH_CONTACT'] = 'Search contact...'; Lg['SEARCH_KB'] = 'Search in knowledge base...'; Lg['SEARCH_CR'] = 'Search for macros...'; Lg['ADD_TAB_SEARCH'] = 'Add search tab...'; Lg['ADD_TAB_KB'] = 'Add knowledge base tab...'; Lg['ADD_TAB_TWITTER'] = 'Add twitter tab...'; Lg['STEP'] = 'Step'; Lg['NEXT'] = 'Next'; Lg['PREV'] = 'Previous'; Lg['FINISH'] = 'Finish'; Lg['DONE'] = 'Done'; Lg['SUBMIT'] = 'Submit'; Lg['REPLY'] = 'Reply'; Lg['SAVE'] = 'Save'; Lg['SAVE_CHANGES'] = 'Save Changes'; Lg['SAVE_LANGUAGE_TEMPLATE'] = 'Save Language Template'; Lg['SAVE_APPEARANCE'] = 'Save Appearance'; Lg['SAVE_FAQ_CONFIG'] = 'Save FAQ Configuration'; Lg['LOADING'] = 'Loading...'; Lg['SAVING'] = 'Saving...'; Lg['CHANGES_SAVED'] = 'Your changes have been saved.'; Lg['COPY'] = 'Copy'; Lg['COPIED'] = 'Copied!'; Lg['SAVE_AND_UPGRADE'] = 'Save and Upgrade'; Lg['REGISTER_CARD'] = 'Register New Credit Card'; Lg['CLOSE'] = 'Close'; Lg['CANCEL'] = 'Cancel'; Lg['HRS'] = 'hrs'; Lg['BETA'] = 'Beta'; Lg['ON'] = 'ON'; Lg['OFF'] = 'OFF'; Lg['ON_LOW'] = 'On'; Lg['OFF_LOW'] = 'Off'; Lg['SUMMARY'] = 'Summary'; Lg['NAME'] = 'Name'; Lg['FNAME'] = 'First name'; Lg['LNAME'] = 'Last name'; Lg['EMAIL'] = 'Email'; Lg['PHONE'] = 'Phone'; Lg['NICK'] = 'Nickname'; Lg['VIEW'] = 'View'; Lg['DATE'] = 'Date'; Lg['TIME'] = 'Time'; Lg['STATUSES'] = 'Statuses'; Lg['AVG_RES'] = 'Avg response'; Lg['HIDE'] = 'Hide'; Lg['SHOW'] = 'Show'; Lg['COMPANY'] = 'Company'; Lg['DESCRIPTION'] = 'Note'; Lg['DEFAULT_GROUP'] = 'Default group'; Lg['HOSTNAME'] = 'Hostname'; Lg['PORT'] = 'Port'; Lg['USERNAME'] = 'Username'; Lg['EXAMPLE_USERNAME'] = 'e.g. user@company.com'; Lg['PASSWORD'] = 'Password'; Lg['NEW_PASSWORD'] = 'New Password'; Lg['RE_PASSWORD'] = 'Repeat Password'; Lg['ENCRYPTION'] = 'Encryption'; Lg['ENCRYPTION_NONE'] = 'No encryption'; Lg['NOT_SET'] = 'Not set'; Lg['ENCRYPTION_TLS'] = 'TLS encryption'; Lg['ENCRYPTION_SSL'] = 'SSL encryption'; Lg['EMAIL_SETTINGS'] = 'Email settings'; Lg['EMAIL_IN_SETTINGS'] = 'Inbound settings'; Lg['EMAIL_OUT_SETTINGS'] = 'Outbound settings'; Lg['SETTINGS'] = 'Settings'; Lg['SERVER_TYPE'] = 'Server type'; Lg['USE_AUTH'] = 'Use authentication'; Lg['USE_REPLY_TO_NOTE'] = 'Are you contacted mostly via a contact form on your website? We recommend to check the following setting:'; Lg['USE_REPLY_TO'] = 'Use the "reply to" address as the email address of new contacts'; Lg['APPEND_CASE_ID_TO_SUBJECT'] = 'Append Case-ID to subject for new email cases so that each conversations get\'s an individual case.'; Lg['USE_REPLY_TO_WARN'] = 'Changing this setting may result in Case inconsistencies, e.g. a new email may be put into a new case instead of into its original one.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?'; Lg['FLAG_OLD_MAIL_READ'] = 'Only fetch unread emails in Casengo that are received in my inbox from now on.'; Lg['FLAG_OLD_MAIL_READ_NOTE'] = 'If you select this option, your old emails in your mailbox will be marked as read and not be fetched by Casengo. If you have many unread mail in your inbox that you do not to handle in Casengo, this option is recommended.'; Lg['FLAG_OLD_MAIL_DELETE'] = 'Delete all old messages in this inbox and let Casengo only fetch new unread emails that are received from now on.'; Lg['FLAG_OLD_MAIL_DELETE_NOTE'] = 'If you select this option, then all old emails will be removed from your inbox. This is necessary to prevent Casengo from fetching all your old emails.'; Lg['FLAG_OLD_MAIL_DELETE_WARN'] = 'All emails in your mailbox will be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue?'; Lg['DONT_FLAG_OLD_EMAIL_DELETE'] = 'Fetch all my emails in Casengo.'; Lg['DONT_FLAG_OLD_EMAIL_READ'] = 'Fetch all of my unread emails in Casengo.'; Lg['LEAVE_MAIL_ON_SERVER'] = 'Leave mail on server'; Lg['UNASSIGNED'] = 'Unassigned'; Lg['SUBMITTING_DATA'] = 'Submitting data'; Lg['DISABLED'] = 'Disabled'; Lg['DETAILS'] = 'Details'; Lg['ENTER_DESC'] = 'Enter description...'; Lg['ENTER_MSG'] = 'Enter message...'; Lg['ENTER_COMMENT'] = 'Enter comment...'; Lg['ENTER_LABEL'] = 'Select a label to add to this case...'; Lg['CASE_LOG'] = 'Case activity log'; Lg['CASE_CURRENT'] = 'Current case'; Lg['CASE_OTHER'] = 'Case Archive'; Lg['CASE_OTHER_TIP'] = 'Other cases from this contact'; Lg['RESOLVE_CLOSE'] = 'Resolve & close'; Lg['ACTION_OPEN'] = 'Open'; Lg['ADD_COMMENT'] = 'Comment'; Lg['ADD_ATTACHMENT'] = 'Attachment'; Lg['ADD_CHAT_LINK'] = 'Add chat link'; Lg['ADD_YOUR_CHAT_LINK'] ='Add your chat link'; Lg['ADD_LINK'] ='Add link'; Lg['ADD_CC'] = '(B)cc'; Lg['CC_BUTTON'] = 'Add (b)cc'; Lg['LOG_CALL'] = 'Log Call'; Lg['SEND_DIRECT_MESSAGE'] = 'Add to chat'; Lg['SEND_OFFLINE_MESSAGE'] = 'Send email'; Lg['LOG_MESSAGE'] = 'Log message'; Lg['LOG_MESSAGE_FOR_CALL'] = 'Log message for call'; Lg['FORWARD'] = 'Forward'; Lg['INFO'] = 'Info'; Lg['CLICK_HERE'] = 'Click here'; Lg['COMMENT'] = 'Comment'; Lg['COMMENT_EXPLANATION'] = '(not visible to your customer)'; Lg['NEW_OUT_EMAIL'] = 'New email...'; Lg['NEW_OUT_CASE'] = 'Create new case'; Lg['NEW_TWEET'] = 'New Twitter search...'; Lg['NEW_TWEET_TAB'] = 'Open Twitter tab'; Lg['NEW_EMAIL'] = 'New email'; Lg['LOG_INBOUNDCALL'] = 'Log inbound call'; Lg['LOG_OUTBOUNDCALL'] = 'Log outbound call'; Lg['LOG_INBOUNDCALL_TITLE'] = 'Log inbound call'; Lg['LOG_OUTBOUNDCALL_TITLE'] = 'Log outbound call'; Lg['SWITCHTO_INBOUND_CALL'] = 'Inbound call'; Lg['SELECT_CALL_TYPE'] = 'Choose inbound or outbound'; Lg['SWITCHTO_EMAIL'] = 'Email'; Lg['SWITCHTO_CHAT'] = 'Chat'; Lg['SWITCHTO_AUTO'] = 'Auto'; Lg['SWITCHTO_OUTBOUND_CALL'] = 'Outbound call'; Lg['NEW_EMAIL_CASE'] = 'New email case'; Lg['NEW_CASE'] = 'New case'; Lg['SEARCH'] = 'Search'; Lg['NO_ITEM_FOUND'] = 'No item found'; Lg['NO_CASE_FOUND'] = 'No case found'; Lg['X_ITEM_FOUND'] = '{num} item(s) found'; Lg['CREATE_CASE'] = 'Create case'; Lg['POSSIBLE_ERROR'] = 'Possible error(s):'; Lg['ENABLED'] = 'Enabled'; Lg['ENABLE'] = 'Enable'; Lg['DISABLE'] = 'Disable'; Lg['AVAILABLE'] = 'Available'; Lg['UNAVAILABLE'] = 'Unavailable'; Lg['ADD'] = 'Add'; Lg['REMOVE'] = 'Remove'; Lg['REMOVING'] = 'Removing...'; Lg['EDIT'] = 'Edit'; Lg['ADD_TO_CONVERSATION'] = 'Add to conversation'; Lg['ADD_TO_REPLYFIELD'] = 'Insert'; Lg['COMMENT_BUTTON'] = 'Add Comment'; Lg['UPDATE_BUTTON'] = 'Update'; Lg['READ_MORE'] = 'Read more'; Lg['LABEL_NAME'] = 'Label name'; Lg['INSTRUCTION'] = 'Instruction'; Lg['CLEAR'] = 'Clear'; Lg['MACROS'] = 'Macros'; Lg['QUESTION'] = 'Question'; Lg['BRAND'] = 'Brand'; Lg['SEND'] = 'Send'; Lg['UPLOAD'] = 'Upload'; Lg['UPLOAD_FILE'] = 'Upload a file'; Lg['UPLOAD_INPROGRESS'] = 'File is now being uploaded...'; Lg['UPLOAD_OK'] = 'File uploaded successfully'; Lg['UPLOAD_ERROR'] = 'Upload failed'; Lg['UPLOAD_ERROR_TIMEOUT'] = 'Uploading timed out because it was taking too long. Try connecting to a faster connection and upload again'; Lg['ATTACHING_ERROR'] = 'Attached files exceed 20 mb file limit'; Lg['IS_TYPING'] = '{name} is typing...'; Lg['VISITOR_IS_TYPING'] = 'Visitor is typing...'; Lg['AGENT_IS_TYPING'] = 'Agent is typing...'; Lg['CATEGORIES'] = 'Categories'; Lg['TOPICS'] = 'Subcategories'; Lg['FAQ_GENERAL_CONFIG'] = 'General FAQ Configuration'; Lg['EMPTY_DATA'] = 'Empty data'; Lg['CONTENT'] = 'Content'; Lg['TITLE'] = 'Title'; Lg['FAQ_TITLE'] = 'FAQ title'; Lg['CUSTOM_FAQ_SCRIPT'] = 'Custom FAQ script'; Lg['CUSTOM_FAQ_SCRIPT_DESC'] = 'Insert a custom script on your FAQ pages.'; Lg['IS_ADMIN'] = 'Set as administrator'; Lg['DEFAULT_MAILBOX'] = 'Set this mailbox as default. New email messages and replies will be sent through this mailbox.'; Lg['INCLUDE_CHAT_LINK'] = 'Include a link in every email that allows people to start a chat right from their email.'; Lg['APPEND_CONVERSATION_HISTORY'] = 'Append conversation history to outgoing email.'; Lg['FROM_ADDRESS'] = 'From address'; Lg['REPLYTO_ADDRESS'] = 'Reply-to address'; Lg['GOTO_ADMIN'] = 'Admin Settings'; Lg['GOTO_AGENT'] = 'Inbox'; Lg['GOTO_SUBSCRIPTION'] = 'Manage My Subscription'; Lg['BILLING'] = 'Billing'; Lg['SEARCHING'] = 'Searching...'; Lg['BACK'] = '← Back'; Lg['BACK_TEXT'] = 'Back'; Lg['SKIP'] = 'Skip'; Lg['LOAD_PREV_MESSAGES'] = 'Load previous messages'; Lg['ONLINE_EMPTY_TEXT'] = 'Insert your reply and press Enter to send.'; Lg['OFFLINE_EMPTY_TEXT'] = 'Insert your reply and press Ctrl+Enter to send.'; Lg['FB_EMPTY_TEXT'] = 'Write a comment...'; Lg['FB_COMMENT_NOTE'] = 'Message will be posted as a comment on Facebook'; Lg['NEW_FB_WALLPOST'] = "New wall post"; Lg['NEW_FB_WALLPHOTO'] = 'New photo on {PAGE_NAME}'; Lg['LOAD_PREV_FB_COMMENTS'] = 'Load previous comments'; Lg['FB_COMMENT_BTN'] = 'Post Comment'; Lg['LOG_MODE_OFFLINE_STATE'] = 'Contact is OFFLINE.'; Lg['LOG_MODE_ONLINE_STATE'] = 'Contact is ONLINE.'; Lg['LOG_MODE_DESC'] = 'This message will be logged as {LOG_TYPE} call to case.'; Lg['LOG_OFFLINE_MODE_DESC'] = 'This message will be sent as an email. (show details)'; Lg['LOG_OFFLINE_HIDE_DETAILS'] = 'hide details'; Lg['LOG_OFFLINE_SHOW_DETAILS'] = 'show details'; Lg['LOG_OFFLINE_MODE_DESC_ADDR'] = 'From: {FROM_ADDRESS}\nTo: {TO_ADDRESS}'; Lg['LOG_ONLINE_MODE_DESC'] = 'This message will be sent as part of a chat conversation'; Lg['YOURE_OFFLINE_MODEPRECHATLESS'] = 'No reply could be sent since no email address is found'; Lg['INBOUND_LOGMSG_TEXT'] = 'Log message for inbound call'; Lg['OUTBOUND_LOGMSG_TEXT'] = 'Log message for outbound call'; Lg['SWITCH_ACTION_TO'] = 'Switch action to:'; Lg['GENERAL'] = 'General'; Lg['ENTER_NAME_SEARCH'] = 'Enter contact name...'; Lg['ENTER_EMAIL_SEARCH'] = 'Enter email addresses seperated by comma...'; Lg['THIS_FIELD_IS_REQUIRED'] = 'This field is required'; Lg['AUTO_SAVED'] = 'Autosaved on {CURRENT_TIME}'; Lg['SEARCH_TAB'] = 'Search tab'; Lg['NO_RESULTS_FOUND'] = 'No results found.'; Lg['SEARCH_FILTER_LAST_ACTIVITY'] = 'Last activity'; Lg['SEARCH_FILTER_RELEVANCE'] = 'Relevance'; Lg['SORT_BY'] = 'Sort by'; Lg['COLOR'] = 'Color'; Lg['CREATED_AT'] = 'created at'; Lg['LABELS'] = 'Labels'; Lg['START_TOUR'] = 'Start Tour'; Lg['TEST_INBOUND_CONNECTION'] = 'Test Inbound Setting'; Lg['STATE_CHANGED_TO'] = 'Case Status changed to \'{NEW_STATE}\''; Lg['PRIO_CHANGED_TO'] = 'Case Priority changed to \'{NEW_PRIO}\''; Lg['CASE_ASSIGNED_TO'] = 'Case is now assigned to \'{USER_NAME}\''; Lg['CASE_UNASSIGNED'] = 'Case is now unassigned'; Lg['CASE_DELETED'] = 'Case is deleted'; Lg['CASE_RESTORED'] = 'Case is restored'; Lg['TESTING_SETTINGS'] = 'Testing settings...'; Lg['SEARCH_QUERY'] = 'Search query'; Lg['OPEN_CASE'] = 'Open case'; Lg['REPLY_TO_ADDRESS'] = 'Reply-To address'; Lg['CC'] = 'Cc'; Lg['BCC'] = 'Bcc'; Lg['FROM'] = 'From'; Lg['TO'] = 'To'; Lg['REPLY-TO'] = 'Reply-To'; Lg['KB'] = 'KB'; Lg['KB_VISIBILITY'] = 'Internal'; Lg['KB_VISIBILITY_TOOLTIP'] = 'Article is for internal usage'; Lg['ENTER_EMAIL_ADDRESSES'] = 'Usa a comma to separate email addresses'; Lg['BCC_TO_X_PEOPLE'] = 'and (b)cc\'ed to '; Lg['OTHERS'] = 'others'; Lg['CONTACT_IS_ONLINE'] = 'Customer has opened the VIP window and is available for chat'; Lg['CONTACT_IS_OFFLINE'] = 'Customer is currently offline'; Lg['CUSTOMER'] = 'Customer'; Lg['AGENT_SENT_CONVERSATION'] = '{AGENT_NAME} has sent a conversation to you'; Lg['INVITEE'] = 'Invitee'; Lg['KNOWLEDGEBASE'] = 'Knowledge base'; Lg['CASE_STATUS'] = 'Case status'; Lg['CASE_PRIO'] = 'Case priority'; Lg['CASE_GROUP'] = 'Assigned to group'; Lg['CASE_AGENT'] = 'Assigned to agent'; Lg['SHOW_HTML_VER'] = 'Show HTML version'; Lg['MESSAGE_UNDELIVERED'] = 'Message not sent'; Lg['MESSAGE_RESEND'] = 'Resend'; Lg['MESSAGE_NOTSENT_NOTICE'] = 'You have unsent messages'; Lg['MESSAGE_TOOLS_REMOVE_FROM_FB'] = 'Remove from Facebook'; Lg['MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME'] = 'Sent on {DELIVERY_DATE_TIME}'; Lg['MESSAGE_SENDING'] = 'Processing...'; Lg['SENDING'] = 'Sending...'; Lg['SEE_MORE'] = 'See more'; Lg['SEE_LESS'] = 'See less'; Lg['LANGUAGE'] = 'Language'; Lg['TEMPLATE'] = 'Template'; Lg['ACCOUNT_DEFAULT_LANG'] = 'Account default'; Lg['DEFAULT'] = 'DEFAULT'; Lg['ACTIONS'] = 'Actions'; Lg['FORWARD_CASE'] = 'Invite co-workers...'; Lg['REPLY_FORWARD_CASE'] = 'From: '; Lg['FORWARD_CASE_VIA_EMAIL'] = 'Invite co-workers via email'; Lg['FORWARD_CASE_DESC'] = 'Your co-worker will get noticed by an e-mail in which the whole case timeline is embedded (including comments).'; Lg['REPLY_TO_COLLABORATOR_TITLE'] = 'Reply to: {TITLE}'; Lg['ADD_A_MESSAGE'] = 'Message'; Lg['CASE_FORWARDED'] = 'Case summary sent'; Lg['ENTER_A_MESSAGE_TO_ADD'] = 'I\'d like to invite you to assist on this case.'; Lg['FORWARDING_CASE'] = 'Sending case summary...'; Lg['FORWARDING_CASE_ERR'] = 'Inviting the original contact is not allowed.'; Lg['LOCKED_BY'] = 'This case is currently locked by {USER_NAME}'; Lg['UNKNOWN'] = 'Unknown'; Lg['EMAIL_SUMMARY_SENT_TO'] = '{EMAIL_ADDRESS} invited to the case via email.'; Lg['FOWARD_CASE_NOTE'] = 'A reply to this message will appear in the timeline (invisible for your customer).'; Lg['TWITTER_SEARCH'] = 'Twitter Search'; Lg['ADD_NEW'] = 'Insert keyword(s)...'; Lg['DIRECT_MESSAGE'] = 'Direct messages'; Lg['EDIT_TWITTER_ACCOUNT'] = 'EDIT TWITTER ACCOUNT'; Lg['EDIT_DIRECT_MSG'] = 'Direct messages to this Twitter account:'; Lg['DISABLE_DM'] = 'do not collect and not show'; Lg['ENABLE_DM'] = 'show them in Twitter search tab'; Lg['CONVERT_TO_CASE_DM'] = 'convert automatically into new case';//TO_TRANSLATE Lg['TWITTER_ACCOUNT_DUPLICATE'] ='Twitter Account is already linked to another user. Please link another twitter account';//TO_TRANSLATE Lg['WM_PREVIEW_EMAIL_TITLE'] = 'Email HTML version preview'; Lg['CASEPREVIEW_LOADING'] = 'Loading case preview...'; Lg['THIS_FIELD_IS_OPTIONAL'] = 'This field is optional'; Lg['LEARN_MORE'] = 'Learn more'; Lg['MESSAGE_TEMPLATES_LINK'] = 'Go to Message Templates settings'; Lg['ENGLISH'] = 'English'; Lg['DUTCH'] = 'Nederlands'; Lg['GERMAN'] = 'Deutsche'; Lg['FRENCH'] = 'Français'; Lg['RUSSIAN'] = 'Русский'; Lg['PORTUGUESE'] = 'Português'; /* FEATURE BUBBLES */ Lg['FEATURE_BUBBLE_FWDEMAIL_TXT'] = 'Did you know Casengo can handle emails? Save time & boost customer satisfaction.'; Lg['FEATURE_BUBBLE_FWDEMAIL_URL'] = 'Activate Email!'; Lg['FEATURE_BUBBLE_FWDEMAIL_TXT_RAW'] = Lg['FEATURE_BUBBLE_FWDEMAIL_TXT'] + '